Mix Underground is a brush script doused with acid.This was written with an iPad Pro and an Apple Pencil, using the Marbles brush from my Procreate Brush Bundle. The raw look is perfect for handmade projects, for the rough and rugged finish.
Mix Underground included the following characters:
- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- 0123456789 !@$#%^&*()
- `~♥❤✿•÷×+−±[]:;'”,.\|/?{}<>“”‘’-–—_…©®«»°¡¿₱¢€£¥
- áàâäãåăąæćčçðéèêëęíìîïłńñóòôöõøőœśšșțúùûüűýÿźžżþß
- ligatures: ff ft ll tt
[fontsampler id=59]
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