Mix Somn is the perfect font for adding charm to your children’s products. Its thin, tall, and dainty style is both stylish and legible, making it perfect for labeling baby clothes, toys, and other items. The digitally handwritten sans serif font was created with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Poppy Brush from the Procreate Brush Bundle. Its delicate strokes and sweet, soft appearance make it the perfect choice for any project you might find in your little bundle of joy’s nursery.
Mix Somn includes the following characters:
- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- 0123456789 !@$#%^&*() `~♥❤•
- ÷+=[]:;’”,.\|/?{}<>“”‘’-–—_…©®™«»°¡¿₱¢€£¥
- áàâäãåăąæćčçðéèêëęíìîïłńñóòôöõøőœśšșțúùûüűýÿźžżþ
[fontsampler id=53]
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