Get ready to add a dash of fun to your designs with HAPPY FRIDAY! This delightful handwritten font is perfect for crafting eye-catching social media posts, marketing materials, and DIY projects. Its smooth curves and sweet-as-candy style make it a perfect choice for adding a playful touch to any design. Plus, with HAPPY FRIDAY MIX, an amazing set of dingbats featuring cute doodles and swashes, you can take your design work to the next level. Enjoy the weekend all week long with HAPPY FRIDAY!
MIX HAPPY FRIDAY comes with the following glyphs:
- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- 0123456789 !@#$%^&*()`~♥❤✿•·
- ÷×+−±≈=≠≥≤[]<>:;’”,.\|/?
- {}“”‘’-–—_
- …‚„©®™‹›«»°¹²³ªº¡¿₱¢€£¥½¼¾¶§№†
- áàâäãåăāąæćĉčçðđéèêëėēęĝĥıíìîïīįĵłńñň
- óòôöõōőøœŕřśŝšşșťțúùûüůŭūűųẃẁŵýŷÿźẑžżþß
MIX HAPPY FRIDAY MIX (Dingbats) comes with the following glyphs:
- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- 0123456789 !@#$%^&*()
[fontsampler id=127]
[fontsampler id=128]
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