Meet Sunday Strokes: a meticulously crafted all-uppercase handwritten font that adds a personal touch to your projects. With extensive multilingual support, including a wide range of accented foreign characters, Sunday Strokes effortlessly adapts to various design needs.
This font captures the essence of natural handwriting, with numerous ligatures, especially for double letters, for an organic feel. Whether it’s for social media posts, posters, or video captions, Sunday Strokes offers a user-friendly option for designers seeking a handwritten look.
Discover the everyday appeal of Sunday Strokes and unlock its potential for your creative projects today.
Sunday Strokes comes with the following glyphs:
- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- 0123456789 !@#$%^&*()`~♥❤•·
- .,:;'”|/?{}[]“”‘’-–—_÷×+−≈=≥≤
- …‚„©®™‹›«»°¹²³ªº¡¿₱¢€£¥½¼¾¶§№†
- áàâãäȧåăāąæćĉčċçðđďéèêěëėēęḟǵĝǧġḡ
- ĥȟḧḣıíìîïīįĵḱǩĺľłḿṁńňñóòôõöōőøœṕṗŕřṙśŝšşș
- ťṫţțúùûũüůŭūűųẃẁŵẅẇýŷÿźẑžżƶþß
- Alternates/Ligatures: AA aa BB bb DD dd EE ee FF ff GG gg ii
- KK kk LL ll MM mm NN nn OO oo PP pp RR rr SS ss TT tt ZZ zz S s g
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